Articles on Betrayal Recovery
Two new groups starting in March!
I know it takes a lot of courage to reach out and ask for help...getting support is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
On what I've been learning about triggers
Whether it be a situation from childhood or from disclosure or anything in between, remember that a trigger is connected to our past.
On the art of apologies
I tried not to excuse my behavior (I guess I haven't mastered that part of Robin's amazing apology recipe) but still did when I blurted out that I was in a bad mood.
On Working through Insecurity {A 2015 intentional (#1)}
As a side note, I've decided for myself, step one to overcoming my insecurities is awareness.
2015 Intentionals
It's also a time to reflect, practice gratitude and be thankful for the many blessings bestowed upon - us big or small.
When Will This Process Ever Be Over?
And one of the greatest gifts you can give your wife is to make peace with that and work at becoming a safe person for her to continue to process with for the rest of your years.
New Groups Starting in November!!!
Just a quick heads up that there are a couple of groups starting in November.
A man with a cane and a prompting from God.
And I walk back to my cart, my face red, and wonder why that didn’t quite pan out as I thought it would. And I questioned God, “why did you ask me to do that?”
Kitchen Convo #4 - Backpack of Burden
In this video, Jason and I discuss the concept of the "backpack of burden".
Making Amends - Part 3
Although scary, there has been something so healing in getting to talk to as many of these people as possible.
Making Amends - Part 2
The shame I’ve been feeling is slowly being replaced by awe, thankfulness, and peace.
Making Amends - Part 1
And although this is hard work, I have hope. I feel thankful. Thankful that God would love me enough to show me my depravity.
Confessions on Jealousy
When I see someone risking (in life) and I know deep down that it’s a risk in some way that I’m supposed to take, that is when the jealousy ensues.
Memories of the Past
It’s been in the last year or so that I’ve realized it’s time to take the thoughts to God first and go from there.
God in the Detail
And I’m beginning to see again His hand in my day-to-day. (Because when my heart is distant, I don’t see it at all.)
Taking it one day at a time
We can’t get back today. So whatever it is that you are facing...consider how you can make today count.
Reminding Ourselves of Who is in Control
And since then, I’ve been playing this truth in my head like a broken record. And its good.
Connected Hearts
When we are NOT connected with ourselves, it is really difficult for us to connect with each other.