Making Amends - Part 3

I'm quite tardy in posting this.  I wrote this quite a while ago as a small update on my progress.  I will write one more conclusion-post on amends and will post it soon, I promise!  If you're wondering what's up, I encourage you to read these three posts first:When God Shows Us the TruthMaking Amends - Part 1Making Amends - Part 2Now you're ready to read this:It appears I’m in the thick of Step Nine, Making Amends.  In fact, I’m more than half way done.I am feeling incredibly thankful.  Peaceful.  And some calm amidst the stress.  No lie, my neck and shoulders are aching.  Although I want to be careful not to rush through this process, I also know that I need to continue to move forward and see this to completion.As I’ve made the necessary phone calls, I am in awe with God’s hand in this.  Thus far (and I have done 15 amends so far), I have not had any trouble getting whom I need on the phone.  Time and time again, I have texted a friend and they immediately text back that right now is a perfect time to talk.  This morning, I called an employer of mine from 17 years ago.  I’m thinking it would be a miracle if my manager still worked there.  I ask for her and the gal tells me she will arrive within 30 minutes!  So, I call back about an hour later and find myself having a conversation with her.  (And by the way, she remembers me after all these years.  Very humbling for me to confess my inequities to her, let me just say.Although scary, there has been something so healing in getting to talk to as many of these people as possible.I’m not done yet.  I’m getting close.  I’ve done the hardest ones.  And the ones that are left?  Well, it seems I’m losing my desire to make those calls.  I remind myself that this is where the enemy could lurk.  If I choose not to finish this.I’ll keep you posted.


Final Post on Making Amends


Making Amends - Part 2