Final Post on Making Amends

In this final Amends post, I wanted to share with you guys what I’ve learned during the process...   Making an amends is not a check-box to complete.  Instead, it is an exercise worth walking through.  It’s a transformative process.2)   It was helpful for me to let go of any expectations I had for the other person.  Their questions.  Their comments.  Their feedback.  I think I could have taken these responses and twirled them around in my head to the point where it would have taken me off track.3)   Although risky, I believe the more the better.  I called and spoke personally with everyone that I could.  I asked God for clarity on whom I needed to make restitution with.4)   Before starting to make an amends, I found if very helpful to go through my list with a couple of people that I trusted fully.  I asked for their feedback.5)   I also gave myself 72 hours to be still and make sure that there wasn’t anyone else or anything else I needed to do before actually starting to make the calls.  Taking a break in this way was helpful for me.  I was already emotionally exhausted from the process but knew that the hard work of contacting people would be just as if not more exhausting.6)   Allow God to lead.  I prayed without ceasing throughout this process.  He was so faithful and went before me in every way.7)   On my worst day, I’m a thief; liar; addict.  Its seeing my depravity that allows me to see my need for Jesus.8)   My shame and embarrassment slowly evolved into thankfulness.  Thankfulness that God would love me enough to show me the truth of my decisions and give me the courage to try to make things right, not just in my heart but in my relationships.9)   I sit here today and am in awe with the freedom I feel.  The peace.  The renewed respect and honor for myself.I'd love to hear from you.  Are there any amends you feel God pressing you to make?   What is your experience in making amends?  Would you share it with me?As you go through this week, may you ask God to search your heart.  And to lead you towards greater peace and freedom.  xo


Kitchen Convo #4 - Backpack of Burden


Making Amends - Part 3