Our Team
Shelley Martinkus
founder + speaker + author + group facilitator + 1:1 coach
Shelley is a wife to Jason and mom to three young boys. Her world changed forever when she found out about her husband’s sexual addiction. God used Jason’s betrayal as a catalyst for Shelley to look at her own life and start to heal all the broken pieces she saw staring back at her. Shelley and Jason are now 17 years into their journey and Shelley likes to say that her relationship with God, with Jason, and with others is better because of what she has been through. She has written one book - Rescued and co-authored two books - Worthy of Her Trust and Understanding and Loving a Person with Sexual Addiction. She calls Colorado home although a part of her heart will always reside in Texas, her native homeland.
Shelley is passionate about helping women heal from sexual betrayal by affirming them, helping them find their voice and empowering them to go after what they want and need all the while connecting to God, themselves and to others.
Shelley received a Bachelors degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Oklahoma in 2000. In 2009, she earned a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of Colorado. Shelley has been facilitating support groups for 12 years and also works individually with women as a life coach.
Beverly Cervelli - 1:1 Coach + Group Facilitator
Christi Pruitt - Group Facilitator
Dani Lew - 1:1 Coach + Group Facilitator
Elizabeth Seymour - 1:1 Coach + Group Facilitator
Emma Berry - 1:1 Coach + Group Facilitator
Heiti DeLucchi - 1:1 Coach + Group Facilitator
Jennifer Kreitzer - 1:1 Coach + Group Facilitator
Kate Jones - 1:1 Coach + Group Facilitator
Maggie Cruise - 1:1 Coach
Nicole Shelibat - 1:1 Coach
Susan Finnefrock - Group Facilitator
In Loving Memory of
Amy Garcia
Redemptive Living Coach & Champion of Women