New Groups Starting in November!!!

Just a quick heads up that there are a couple of groups starting in November.  The first is Wednesday mornings, starting November 12th from 9:30-11:00am MST.  The second is Wednesday evenings, starting November 12th from 8:15-9:45pm MST. These are both phone groups so perfect for people who live outside of the Denver area!  They will meet every other week and I'm asking for a six month commitment. Involving myself in a healthy support group was one of the best things I did for myself in my recovery.  You can find out a little more about my groups here.Please feel free to contact me with any questions.  Looking forward to hearing from you!Blessings, Shelley**Update**  The Wednesday evening group, starting Nov 12th is full.  Please contact me to be put on the wait list.  If I have enough interest, I will either start a group on Wednesday mornings (see above) or Monday evenings, starting November 10th from 6-7:30pm.


How to Get What We Need Post-Disclosure (The Follow-Up)


How to get what we need post-disclosure (the video)