2015 Intentionals

I heart fresh starts.  Whether it's a simple as a new day or as complicated as when Jason and I chose to try to heal our marriage.  And maybe that's really at the core of why I love fresh starts.  Because it reminds me of the fact that God can do anything.  He worked a miracle in my life when He paved the way for Jason and I to redeem our marriage.  I'm not saying it wasn't incredibly painful or difficult.  Because it was.Iheartfreshstarts.001             I see starting a new year as a total fresh start, too.  An opportunity for us to look back at the year we are leaving and think through what we loved, what we hated.  What we got right (and want to do more of) and what we got terribly wrong and need to readjust.  It's also a time to reflect, practice gratitude and be thankful for the many blessings bestowed upon - us big or small from the year before.I'm asking for you to carve out time, soon, to think about what you desire for 2015 as well as to reflect on 2014.  Use the thoughts in the preceding paragraph or the questions here to get started.I mentioned here some of the things I'm grateful for from 2014.  And now I want to share some of the big things I'm planning to work on in 2015.1.  Insecurity.  I thought I had nipped this a couple of years ago.  But just like most things, it's a process and it's dynamic.  Always changing.  I guess you could say I'm sitting in the ebb of the ebb and flow of security.  I haven't done much about it other than to name it.  And know that it's something I need to work through.  It's a focus for me this year.  What about you, is God calling you to look at a core need, like security, and work through what it looks like to live it well?2015 intentionals                  2.  Being Intentional with my time.  Primarily when it comes to my family and when it comes to media, specifically my phone.  This year, I want to make sure I am soaking in my little boys.  Jason and I won't start the "momma-dadda clock" over.  We are done having babies.  With that decision, comes a reality - they are growing up before my eyes.  I'm not sure what exactly it looks like to be more intentional with them, but I know time is not on my side.  And that's where my phone comes in.  I've already cut way back on TV, as in I probably watch an hour of TV/month.  (If you love TV, don't feel bad.  Trust me, I could win an award for the amount of TV I've watched in my lifetime.)  This is simply my way of making more time for things that are more important to me like reading, writing, playing with my littles and connecting with Jason.  And yet, I think there is more time I can carve out for better things.  What would it look like to retire my smart phone and instead have a dumb phone?  What would it look like to not check my phone every 10 minutes?  These are questions I'd like to answer and hopefully in the process, find a better balance when it comes to being intentional with my time.  What about you, is there anything you'd like to be more intentional about in 2015?  Maybe related to relationships or related to how you spend your time?3.  Loving me as much as I love my family and friends.  I was with Harrison and Norman yesterday and we walked past a Whole Foods.  I noticed on the window, there was a saying.  It said something like this:  "What if you chose to love yourself just as much as you love others?"  I loved it.  And I realized that it marries up with some of my intentionals for 2015.  What does it look like to put fuel in my body that will make my body skip for joy?  What does it look like to take care of myself just as much as I take care of the needs of my little boys?  What does it look like to encourage myself as much as I encourage Jason or a friend?  I'm pondering this right now and already have some specific ideas of things I need to do different this year to love myself well.  What about for you?  How can you love yourself just as much as you love your littles?  In what areas do you not love yourself well and what could it look like to love yourself well in those areas?I'd so love to hear what specifically you are thankful for from 2014 and what you are working towards in this New Year.  And I pinkie-promise to keep you guys posted on how I progress as I focus in on these three areas of my life!Heart,Shelley


On Working through Insecurity {A 2015 intentional (#1)}


Welcome, 2015!