Articles on Betrayal Recovery
In the Light: Healing sexual intimacy after porn, sexual addiction, and betrayal
Needless to say, this ever-so-important part of our relationship hasn’t been easy. Early on in our recovery, the safest way for me to engage sexually was in the dark. But, thankfully, it has evolved over time.
When setting boundaries feels impossible
Our most important relationship here on earth, the one we have with our husbands, has been destroyed. We are left feeling anything but worthy. But in order to set boundaries, we must draw from our worthiness.
Sitting in Pain
What reading Habakkuk is teaching me is that it's when we grapple and wrestle with our situations - it's through this that we have the potential to move closer to God.
Book Review - "Beyond Betrayal" by Lisa Taylor
It's so important for wives early on in this process to understand that oftentimes, the lying, is the last to go.
In the Dark: Healing Sexual Intimacy After Porn and Infidelity
When I think about that event, my most poignant memory is of the tall woman standing in the back of the room with her arms crossed. As she catapulted a question my way, her tone revealed my story had hit close to home.
On what's helping me survive (Oh summer, you've been a bad friend) - Part 2
It seems I've had just enough time to tackle the must-do's on my to-do's and I'm not building in any margin for the things on my list that feed my soul.
On what's helping me survive (oh summer, you've been a bad friend) - Part 1
I'm sure it would be lovely about now to insert a Bible verse given I'm a Christian and all - but the first thing that came to mind was Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger".
When Talking About Porn Might Cost You Everything
When he told me his half-truth that night some 12 years ago while we were lying in bed, I realized my heart had been talking truth to me all along.
on surrender. {and being small}
It helps me feel relieved that it's okay where I'm at and it's okay where you're at. God has a purpose for each of us. Today.
My Husband Chose Porn and Other Women: Now What...?
My dream slowly started to crumble when I realized that Jason hadn't chosen just me.
Humility and Empathy... (Part 3)
This is difficult because after being hurt beyond belief, my reaction was to draw the bridge and put alligators in the mote.
Humility and Empathy... (Part 2)
I identify that the one experience, more than any other, that started to refine this character trait, was coming to terms with the fact that Jason was unfaithful to me.
Humility and Empathy - two of the "must-have" heart changes we need to see in our husbands (Part 1)
There is so much heart change that MUST come with this integrity change. And unfortunately, a lot of men get sober. And then they stop. The heart change never comes.
On what I'm learning about shame {A 2016 Intentional}
So although we can't stop shame from happening, we can figure out the best way to respond to it and work through it in a healthy way.
On what's saving my life right now...
And if we don't have some strategies in place to help us get through the hour, the day, the week... well, we're going to sink.
On where my heart is at today...
So that's me. Today. That's my heart. Please don't run away.
On where I'm at with forgiveness...
Forgiveness is supernatural. And I'm never ever going to feel in my human heart like doing it. But this, dear sisters, is what I can tell you: I know it works.
Losing Ourselves plus an Interview
It's through giving up control, surrendering our outcome, and letting others into our pain that we start to find ourselves again.