My Husband Chose Porn and Other Women: Now What...?

{Hi Girls!  SO excited to write for the MOPs blog today...}When I married my husband, Jason, I believed that he only had eyes for me.  Deep down, I felt chosen.  Chosen by him to do this thing we call life.  Together.  Forever.My dream slowly started to crumble when I realized that Jason hadn't chosen just me.  Instead, he chose me and chose other women, too.And I know I'm not alone when it comes to this part of my story.In fact, chances are, this story is more common than uncommon.  For instance, research shows 64% of Christian men admit to viewing porn at least once a month.  Or how about this - 56% of marriages end in divorce today because one party has an obsessive interest in pornographic material.

Head over to the MOPs blog to continue reading...



on surrender. {and being small}


Humility and Empathy... (Part 3)