When Talking About Porn Might Cost You Everything

"I think my husband is watching porn and I'm scared to bring it up because I might lose it all."I never suspected Jason was looking at porn.It never even crossed my mind that he'd look at someone other than me that way.  And yet, deep down I knew something wasn't right.  The unanswered phone calls, the evenings I spent alone at home waiting for his arrival, our lack of deep connection.  As much as I wanted it to all be okay in my mind, my heart told me something else.When he told me his half-truth that night some 12 years ago while we were lying in bed, I realized my heart had been talking truth to me all along.  Little did I know, Jason opened the door into his secret world and then he slammed it shut as soon as I started to ask questions.

{Head over to the MOPs blog to continue reading...}



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