Articles on Betrayal Recovery
Break. Down. Part 1.
In the end, I know that keeping things hidden in the dark feed the shame. So it's something I've tried to be transparent about slowly but surely over the last year.
New Group Starting In August
I believe that it's so important for every woman faced with the reality that her husband has betrayed her - whether it's pornography, affairs, lust or anything in between - have the support she needs and know that she is not alone.
Book Review - "I Don't Love You Anymore" by Dr. David Clarke
I believed it was my fault and decided I needed to be sexier to win Jason back. Bad move on my part. It didn't work.
On defensiveness and the elusiveness of empathy
Most of the time, especially early on in the process - she will relate to me that her husband is defensive. It's a go-to, natural, human reaction. And it's so not okay.
On the road toward true intimacy
I was afraid to be vulnerable. Afraid to disagree. Afraid of what Jason might think of me.
Book Review - Mending a Shattered Heart Edited by Stefanie Carnes
"Addicts need to remember that in the long run, it's the behaviors not the disclosure that led to the negative consequences."
Making it through the holidays (you will have to read on to understand!)
We don't have to forgive perfectly, grieve perfectly, or go through this process perfectly.
On what we lose when we are married to a sex addict
For myself, the first step to taking back my intuition was demanding to know the truth about my life.
Giving myself grace {An update on loving myself well - a 2015 intentional (#1)}
And in that, I've opened up my heart to owning what I need to own.
Being perfect. A no-win situation.
Being able to name my shame and its roots wrapped up in this false belief that I have to be perfect...well, there is freedom in that.
Book Review - Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend
In re-reading this book, I was also reminded that boundaries are healthy for all of us to have. Boundaries aren't just important in the after-math of sexual betrayal.
Protecting Our Children From Pornography
As my children, each day, get a little older, I realize that as their mom, I play a primary role in protecting them from pornography.
solid ground
I wish I could say that I knew exactly what it looked like to be grounded before Jason and I started this process some eleven and a half years ago, but I didn't.
Processing the Ugly Feelings Within
God heard my cry. So he gave me an opportunity to practice once again no less than forty-eight hours later.
To accept and then to love {An update on Insecurity - A 2015 Intentional (#2)}
So here I am. Naming insecurity. Sitting in awareness. Working towards accepting all the different facets of me and overtime desiring to love all the different facets of me.
Book Review - Out of the Shadows by Patrick Carnes
I wouldn't even trust God. If he had allowed this to happen to me, who knows what else he might allow. All I needed was me.
On Working Toward Self Awareness
Little did I know that this was the beginning of an invisible me. There was a high cost that I would pay for standing in the shadows.
Two new groups starting in March!
I know it takes a lot of courage to reach out and ask for help...getting support is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
On what I've been learning about triggers
Whether it be a situation from childhood or from disclosure or anything in between, remember that a trigger is connected to our past.
On the art of apologies
I tried not to excuse my behavior (I guess I haven't mastered that part of Robin's amazing apology recipe) but still did when I blurted out that I was in a bad mood.