Articles on Betrayal Recovery
Getting Back on My Feet
The key is to be aware of the old coping mechanism cropping back up and to course-correct as soon as possible.
What not to do during the quarantine
We are going to make it. It might not be glamorous or glitzy. In fact, it might look a little ugly at times - but we will make it.
Giving all our Emotions a Seat at the Table (not just the pretty ones)
Each one of these emotions deserves space to breathe, space to have a voice, space to be heard and seen.
Developing Our Internal Power
So often we give others power in our lives that only belong to us.
Fan the Flame - Part 4
This time, I realized that my weight is NOT a source of his addiction. No matter what I weigh, my husband would have still made the same choices.
Fan the Flame - Part 3
Girls - we have agency to look at our situations, get honest about where we are, and then figure out the small steps we can take to do things differently.
Fan the Flame - Part 2
Because confidence comes from within - it's important that we are nourishing ourselves with the things that will help us feel well.
Fan the Flame - Part 1
The light might dim, for a season, but ladies - it will never go out. We must fan the flame.
Strategies to go into Thanksgiving with Confidence
My hope is that each of you can approach next week feeling empowered, connected to yourself and more confident than in years past.
Course Corrections + Encouragement to Keep Going
You WILL look back and see the good. Sure, there are tears, there is grief, there is pain - it's not easy. We will wrestle and struggle our way through - looking for the hope.
Staying in my Lane
Here is the deal - I know I'm not alone in looking at others, seeing what all they are doing or not doing and wondering - what went wrong.
On forgiveness - a letter to my younger self
Forgiveness will be an act of worship, an act of obedience, as you intentionally let Jason out of the prison cell of your heart.
On Belonging
As we begin to accept ourselves and find belonging from within - we are then able to show the true and real version of ourselves to others.
Restore Workshop - won't you join me?
The next Restore Workshop is in Dallas, TX in less than two weeks. I would so love to see you there!
A letter to you, dear brave woman.
What I didn't realize is this: the cleansing work of deep grief is actually just what I needed to breathe lighter and easier.
Happy Weekend! Happy Summer!
link to a podcast + the official mark of summer - my boys are out of school
Raising Boys of Integrity - but first, my mistakes...
My heart, on the other hand, told me that we all make mistakes and I'm not the sum total of them. And that even this could be used as a teaching moment for my boys.
Kitchen Convo Video - Detachment
In this video - Jason and I discuss detachment (for wives) as well as how husbands can stay put and present and not react to in a destructive way.
Moving through the pain
It was through the wait that God started a good work in me, cultivating character and strength, hope and love; and born out of the suffering - immense joy.