Take It Back

We interrupt our series on Trauma and it’s impact on us with a breaking announcement - Girls - I am done and I am taking back my power!!!

Getting Vulnerable

So this morning, I stood in my house and realized just how powerless I feel. And I told Jason - “I am taking back my power”. And I told him it starts with drinking a glass of water. I then proceeded to fill up my glass of water, giggling, while Jason laughed, too - it’s my fav to be funny and make him laugh.


You see, last month, I ended up coming down with COVID. The recovery was less than ideal - I am talking six weeks of having to lie in bed on and off throughout the day. Six weeks of not exercising. Six weeks of just getting by and doing the best I could with my family, my clients, my groups - and that is about it.

I’m now dealing with the aftermath of that - apparently I have put on some pounds, I can’t run for long without needing to stop and rest; not to mention I’m still needing to rest more than I would like to admit.

Add to that - my house is a wreck right now. It looks like I have a wood pile in my front yard (because I actually do) and the playroom has completely exploded.

Oh, and then there is the home search - we have been looking to move for about a year now and we keep getting outbid on homes. I see the homes come through our feed and the prices just keep getting higher and higher and higher.

At this point, imagine me hitting my head against a brick wall.

That Voice In My Head

Speaking of my head: I know, I know - these are not huge issues. Even as I sit here and type this out - I am thinking - this really isn’t that big of a deal. But I am going to choose to hush that inner critic.

No matter what we are going through - big or small, if it is impacting our days - it’s worth staring down.

My Stare Down

So as I said, I decided this morning - I am taking my power back. I do not want to feel or act like a victim anymore. A victim with the house situation, a victim with my weight gain, a victim that my body isn’t quite operating at peak performance. {haha.} A victim that we as a family don’t know how to keep a tidy house. I am done.

And ladies, it feels good.

Aaaaaand, I also know - it’s more than just saying “I am done”.

It’s allowing the feelings of powerlessness to actually *fuel* me to illicit changes that I want to make.

And it starts with drinking a glass of water {kidding. kinda.}.

Take It Back

So let’s explore - what can help us take back our power? What can help us go from powerlessness to “I am done” to actually seeing change?

#1 - Actions Behind the Words - It’s one thing to say - I am done or I am going to do things differently. It’s another thing to actually DO things differently. What is one small action step you can take TODAY to put actions behind your words?

How this looks for me in real time: Taking five minutes to de-clutter my office so that I can actually focus. Going for a walk around the block when I need to breathe. Done and done.

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#2 - Asking for Help - I will be the first to admit, I hate asking for help. However, it’s necessary. Whether it’s for accountability or for encouragement (or both) - inviting others into our powerlessness pit can be a game changer. Who is a safe person that comes to mind that can help support and encourage you today?

How this looks for me in real time: It’s saying out loud to Jason - I am done. And then, asking him for his help with the forest in our front yard (he promises me all the wood will be removed by the end of the weekend).

#3 - Courage - In order for us to do things differently, we must believe it’s possible. At the end of the day, it takes a lot of courage to choose to climb out of the pit. It takes courage to take the small step. To do things differently. To believe. To get uncomfortable. Do you believe things can be different for you? How can you fight for hope today?

How this looks for me in real time: I’m courageously envisioning where I want to be in six weeks. And thinking about what it will take today to get there. It’s telling myself - “I can do it, I believe in you”. It’s asking God for His grace - Him giving me exactly what I need, exactly when I need it.

Pep Talk

Whatever you are facing today that is causing you to feel powerless, I want you to hear me say: you don’t have to stay here. The war is already won. Because of our faith in Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit working in each of us, we are given the hope of new and eternal life - not just on the other side of this one but actually in this life as well!

I would love to hear what is making you feel powerless today and what you can do to start to climb out of the pit. My heart is for you and I would love nothing more than to cheer you on!

xo - Shelley

Credit for 2nd photo here.


Let's Talk Trauma - Part 3


Let’s Talk Trauma - Part 2