Embracing Winter and Self-Care, Part 2
So I shared with you last time about how I'm trying to embrace winter. As I see it, winter is a time for nature to rest. To be renewed. It doesn't necessarily mean that growth stops. It means that roots grow deeper and thicker - thanks to the winter rest.Couldn't the same apply to us? Capitalizing on winter to rest and take good care of ourselves?Because self-care is such an important part of this process (and to be exact, it's an important part of living life well), I believe that we can all hone in on our self-care skills through the winter. When things slow down, the days get shorter, and the nights get longer.So here is the rest of my list - on things I'm doing to love myself well this winter:Eating warm food - I feel like this fall, more than ever, I've been intentional to warm my body with food and drink. I don't do a ton of cooking (hello frozen pizza and sandwiches!), but I've already made my mom's homemade potato soup and Robin's tomato soup (recipe at the end of the post). I've been heating up water in the kettle on the stove and pouring mugs of hot tea and hot cocoa. Laugh if you would like. I know this might seem silly simple, but it isn't for me. Loving myself well is warming my heart and soul with what I put in it.Taking time to read to my boys before bed - In the summer, we usually go outside and let out some energy after dinner. Not every night, but often. In the winter, no such luck. It's 5pm here and dark as night. This past spring, as I was decorating the living room, I fell in love with this constellation hurricane. It's a long story so just trust me - I had a hard time justifying it's existence in my house. And over the last month, I am SO happy it's here. We light a candle in the hurricane, dim the lights, and I read to the boys. You might think this isn't self-care - it's taking care of kids. Yet for me, it literally warms my heart and soul. I love reading to them and asking them questions about what we are reading. (We just finished Bill Peet's Autobiography which was fascinating.) I also love that they get in bed a little early in the winter so that Jason and I have time to connect or so that I have some alone time to collect my thoughts (or text, or pick-up or do nothing) before days end.
Warm and Comfy Clothes - Okay, so once again, you might think this is a given but it hasn't always been for me. I'm really trying to slow down and be intentional to change into warm clothes when I'm a) cold or b) in for the evening. I have an amazingly warm pair of wool leggings that I purchased on-sale for over 70% off that have become my go-to when I'm super cold. I also finally invested in a pair of comfy snow boots last winter. (I had been using a pair of snow boots that I purchased 10 years ago that were hurting my feet. I would just try to ignore the pain. Ladies, in the name of comfort - this is not good self-care.)I have to admit - as I wrap up this post, I'm feeling extra vulnerable. Will you think that I'm silly? Will you think I'm overindulgent? I think for so long, I thought these sorts of things WERE overindulgent. I wonder, was I trying to win a medal for being stoic and not allowing myself comfort? It's HARD! There are people starving, refugees living in the cracks. Why do I deserve a new pair of snow boots? The truth is - I don't deserve a new pair of snow boots. It's by God's grace and mercy that I have a heated home and food on the table and snow boots in the coat closet.I'm thankful for these small gifts from God. And I'm also not going to apologize for taking care of me. Loving myself well.As you move about your day, I pray you will think about what you can do to love yourself well. And I'd love to hear what you come up with.Happy Thanksgiving. Love - Shelley