Embracing winter and using it to my advantage in practicing self-care

Self-care.  I talk about it a lot here on this blog.  Especially after I had a lovely breakdown last summer.  And yes, I'm being facetious.  It was anything but lovely.When I think of self-care, I think of all the things I need to do to love myself well.  And If I don't know who I am - I'm in trouble.  I need to know myself before I know how to love myself well.Enter winter and a snow storm a couple of nights ago.  Blizzard to be exact.bluejayphoto sourceI've decided that winter might be an easier season to take care of me and love me well.  Because, you see, I'm trying to find the meaning in winter (along with many other things in life).  No kidding, I have asked God - why did you make winter?  I don't like to be cold. And I love to be outdoors.  Do you see why winter can be a bit of a problem for me?So last winter, I started trying to figure out what God intended for us during the long cold darkness.  Brace yourself, this next sentence is deep.  I recognized that winter is when the trees and the grass get a break.  It's when the animals hibernate.  It's a season of rest and renewal.Yet, oftentimes, I keep moving.  I don't let it stop me.  Renewal?  What's that?

And I'm beginning to think that one of the ways I can make friends with winter is to embrace its meaning.  And for me, I'm beginning to think that winter = loving myself well.  Taking a break, slowing down, and being good to my soul.

So here are some things that are already speaking to my soul this winter (think of this as a prelude to a blog post I hope to write sometime soon about some of my favorite things {yes, Oprah, I'm taking it from you!}).  As you look at this list, ask yourself if any of these things would speak to your soul.  If so, come on, let's do it!  And if not, ask yourself what WOULD speak to your soul this winter.  Let's all press in to slowing down and loving ourselves well during this season.Reading Good Books - Okay, so here are a couple of books that I've read this year that were on the enjoyable side  (because ladies, I realized recently, I've read a lot of debbie-downers this year).  Reading is one of my best go-to's when I'm feeling stressed.  It especially helps me when I need to turn off the 'ol noggin before going to sleep.  And now, since the sun goes down practically in the middle of the afternoon - I've decided it's an excellent activity to {think} about doing during the long evening hours - even though as I sit here and type this, I've yet to actually read during the 3-8pm crunch here at home.  A girl can always dream, right?

  • Scary Close by Donald Miller - This is a memoir about intimacy.  Loved it.  Easy read.
  • Tattoos on the Heart by Greg Boyle - This is an amazing book about a Catholic Priest's quest to help gangs in the LA area.  Boundless compassion fo sho..
  • Home is Where My People Are by Sophie Hudson - This is Sophie's 2nd book.  It's a memoir.  Even better than her first book.  She had me laughing and enjoying her life.  If you want a break from your life {because let's face it, if you are reading this blog and relate to my story, you probably need a break from your life!} this book just might do the trick.
  • Nobody's Cuter than You by Melanie Shankle - Shankle and Hudson are buds.  You could say I'm a groupie.  They are super funny.  This memoir is all about friendship.  It didn't have me laughing like her first memoir - Sparkly Green Earrings - but it inspired me to reassess my friendships and work at being a better friend.

(Although I've linked the above titles to Amazon, Please don't think I get any sort of kick back for posting them here.  Because I don't.  Just trying to make this as easy for my readers as possible!)In the name of never wanting to write a long blog post, I will be back in the next couple of days with part 2.  In the meantime, I'd love to hear some of your winter go-to's for self-care.xo-Shelley 


Embracing Winter and Self-Care, Part 2


New Group Starting in December