Articles on Betrayal Recovery

Tips For Wives, Trauma Shelley Martinkus Tips For Wives, Trauma Shelley Martinkus

Let’s Talk Trauma- Part 5

I don’t even think I realized how uncomfortable I was in my own home. By evening, I could feel sweat rolling down my back; then at night, I would lie in bed with no covers over me, waiting for the heat to pass. It just became the norm, the expected. Could there be a better way? I refused, stubbornly, to see air-conditioning as an option.

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Tips For Wives, Trauma Shelley Martinkus Tips For Wives, Trauma Shelley Martinkus

Let's Talk Trauma - Part 4

The first is to develop techniques and skills that will help us navigate the actual trigger. Think of these as your breaking-point strategies when you actually get triggered. The second is to develop habits and skills that will help your brain calm down and not be in a traumatized, heightened state. Think of these as your maintenance strategies. I explain this further below.

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