Articles on Betrayal Recovery
The Seven Experiment - Week 4 - Media
Here is what is very obvious to me: when I want to cope, check out of life, take a break: I heart media.
The Seven Experiment-Week3-Possessions
What if I worked harder at serving others; specifically women whom have been betrayed, my family, my friends, single moms…versus storing up these treasures here on earth?
The Seven Experiment - Week 2 - Clothing
One gal in the group has chosen to purchase everything second hand for the next year. Another has chosen to not purchase any new clothes for the next 6 months.
Small Steps Towards Serving in 2013-Part 3
There are things we can do in our day-to-day to serve others and thus serve God. But until we are more aware, it isn’t going to happen.
Small Steps Towards Serving in 2013-Part 2
How can I serve others based on what I have been through?
Small Steps Towards Serving in 2013
And I believe that based on our stories and where our heart has broken, at some point, we get the opportunity to turn around and serve others going through a similar situation.
The Seven Experiment - Week 1 - Food
I am so thankful to have the resources to be able to purchase good quality food. I wonder what the pregnant women do in this world, in this state, in this city that go hungry.
Looking back at 2012 and looking ahead to 2013
Consider the blessings God has bestowed upon you over the last year. Maybe something unexpected.
Truth and Pancakes
When we tell the truth, sure, we let go of the outcome…but what we gain in return is well worth it.
God's Graciousness
I also love that God was gracious enough to give her another woman in a similar situation.
God's Protection: Something to be Thankful For
He puts us in the cleft of a rock and then places his hand over us in protection.
Nehemiah Week 5
And when I am in the wilderness, it’s nice to go back and see His faithfulness.
Nehemiah Week 4
Because whether your marriage continues or whether it ends, God wants us all to be healthy and whole.
God Taking Care, Part 2
You see, although He asked me to let go of my career and follow after His plan for my life, He hasn’t ignored my heart.
God Taking Care, Part 1
It brings tears to my eyes as I think about this. Because in the past, I think I would have been annoyed to miss out on my run.
Nehemiah, Week 3
I’d just want to tell her that she is worth more. That she is loved. And that a different life is waiting for her when she is ready.
Guarding our Hearts
When you are married to a man with a sordid sexual past, who by the grace of God is living a life of integrity, life changes forever.
Nehemiah, Week 2
I realized how precious it is for us to come to a place of true heart-break for others.