Emma Berry - Group Facilitator + 1:1 Coach

Just before my ten year wedding anniversary with my husband, Thomas, our marriage exploded.  I found out about Thomas’ years of betrayal and affairs. I was devastated and just two months from giving birth to our third child.  Angry, hurt, lost and afraid was how I came to Shelley at RLFW.  The RLFW group was a safe haven in a stormy season of my life.  From the pain that led to counseling and group, came community, healing and confidence.  My own journey years earlier of finding sobriety from alcoholism through Christ that I could never attain on my own, served as a constant source of

strength and a reminder of God’s grace, mercy, and provision.  I knew that God was capable of changing people’s hearts and redeeming lives, but I didn’t know at the time if Thomas would let that renovation of his heart take place.  That season was a painful, pivotal time that led to healing, restoration and growth not only as a couple but for each of us individually.  We’ve now been married 18 years and are stronger as a family with a greater intimacy with each other and with God than I ever thought possible!  I’ll always hate the circumstances that led us here, but I’m forever grateful for the heart changes and relationship growth that came from it.  Since then, God led us to move from Colorado to Paducah, Kentucky (I can imagine what you’re thinking- we had to look it up, too!).  After working in corporate environments since college, I traded in the corporate gig to be a full time wife, mother of four and homeschool educator.  I’m honored to join RLFW as a community member and a source of support for other women dealing with the devastation of betrayal.