Articles on Betrayal Recovery
The Gift of Waiting
Continuing the series on foundations, we look at what it looks like to wait. I wanted to make sure and chat about this during the Advent Season as there are some lovely parallels between the two.
Taking Advantage of the Trench Experience
Joseph's story clearly shows us that none of us are immune from life's hardships. And in fact - it's the hardships that have the potential to refine us and purify us and make us even more like Him.
On where I'm at with forgiveness...
Forgiveness is supernatural. And I'm never ever going to feel in my human heart like doing it. But this, dear sisters, is what I can tell you: I know it works.
what's breaking my heart today...
When you, as a husband, start to chase after God. When you let go of your selfish ways and run with a reckless abandon toward who He is calling you to be - chances are, your wife will follow.
Giving myself grace {An update on loving myself well - a 2015 intentional (#1)}
And in that, I've opened up my heart to owning what I need to own.