Articles on Betrayal Recovery
New Group Starting in December
Just a quick note to let you know there is a new group starting December 2, 2015!
Book Review - "Wired for Intimacy" by William Struthers
I almost decided to not write the book review - however, I feel like this book is an important one for any wife that finds themselves married to a husband with a sexual addiction or sexual integrity issue.
Book Review - Mending a Shattered Heart Edited by Stefanie Carnes
"Addicts need to remember that in the long run, it's the behaviors not the disclosure that led to the negative consequences."
Book Review - Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend
In re-reading this book, I was also reminded that boundaries are healthy for all of us to have. Boundaries aren't just important in the after-math of sexual betrayal.
To accept and then to love {An update on Insecurity - A 2015 Intentional (#2)}
So here I am. Naming insecurity. Sitting in awareness. Working towards accepting all the different facets of me and overtime desiring to love all the different facets of me.
Book Review - Out of the Shadows by Patrick Carnes
I wouldn't even trust God. If he had allowed this to happen to me, who knows what else he might allow. All I needed was me.
Two new groups starting in March!
I know it takes a lot of courage to reach out and ask for help...getting support is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
2015 Intentionals
It's also a time to reflect, practice gratitude and be thankful for the many blessings bestowed upon - us big or small.