Encouragement for your day
Something you might not know about me: I became obsessed with Colorado starting at a young age.My dad's parents owned a lodge in southern Colorado and he grew up in this lovely state for the second half of his childhood. Although I grew up in Texas, we vacationed in southern Colorado every summer. Some of my fondest memories are of the week or two we'd spend in the mountains with my extended family.In high school, I was asked (by the year book committee) where I'd like to live in ten years. Ummm, hello! Easy answer! Colorado!I even proudly displayed an old license plate from CO in my dorm room my freshman year at the University of Oklahoma.Obsessed for sure.Jason and I made it to Denver after we wed. It was a miserable first year of marriage (but not because we lived in CO rather because of the dysfunction in our marriage). We ended up both running - and moved to TX.Texas is where the truth came out. Where we limped through our first three years of recovery.It was five long years before we made it back to CO when Jason decided to pursue a counseling degree.
Fast forward to yesterday morning, I woke up in the condo we rented for the week in Steamboat Springs, CO. I was overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to live and play in this state! And not only that, but I get to raise my three boys in colorful Colorado.You see, as a child, my heart opened wide to the mountains, the aspens, the forests.We decided to head to Steamboat Lake yesterday and I believe my heart opened wide once again. I hadn't canoed in ages (like maybe I canoed once when I was a child??) and we ended up renting two canoes for our family of five.Oh, the serenity I found on that water. The breath-taking views.I just can't believe that those dreams of that little girl from so long ago are playing out for me in the here and now. The joy I feel in my heart! Pinch me now because how could this be?
It brings me such great comfort to see that God truly does care about the desires of our hearts. He cares about the little details.
As you read this, you might be questioning God and his sovereignty over your life. You might be wondering if he really cares about you. Your heart.I want to encourage you that he DOES. He cares about your desires and he cares about the details.I invite you to open your hands wide and check this out:He knows how many hairs you have on your head. He keeps a record of all your tears.And He is at work on your behalf while you are asleep.He is going before each of you just as he did with the Israelites as they left Egypt and headed to the Promised Land.God is the same today as He was back then. He is the ultimate keeper of our hearts.I encourage you to click on the links above and dwell on the verses and song. God cares about you. And so do I.xo-Shelleyps. There is a new support group starting September 7th. Please email me for more details if you are at all interested.