The Blessing of Friendship

I had the opportunity this past weekend to meet up with two of my best friends from high school.  What a connection I feel to them.  We spent SO much time together way back then, I consider them like sisters.  We had some really good laughs.  And some tears.  And constant convo.I consider myself lucky and rare…to still be connected to friends from high school.  So often, I hear someone say that they don’t talk to anyone from their past anymore.As I sit on the plane, flying back to Denver, I’m so grateful for the friendships God has given me.  Both new and old.  I haven’t always been blessed in the friend department.  When you have an eating disorder, you push people away.  When your marriage is in despair, you push people away.  When your life is spinning out of control and you spend your time “doing” in order to make up for it, you push people away.  And when you’re ready to re-engage, they aren’t always on the other side waiting.But these two gals, they were there.  Ready.  Waiting.Here are a couple of things, off the cuff, that I appreciate about my friends:

  • They show interest in me.  It could be a thoughtful question, it could be a simple thinking of you text, it could be eye contact.  All of this communicates that I am important and valuable.
  • They actively listen.  Nodding their head, leaning forward, repeating portions of what I have said back to me.  I know they have heard me.
  • They share their struggles and their triumphs.  Especially in the ugly, there is something gained.  Being vulnerable, real, risky.  Getting to know them better in this way.  It means they trust me.

I head home with a full heart and continue to question how I can be a better friend to those around me.  It’s such a gift, friendship.  From God.  It’s one of His ways of loving us here on earth.How can you be a better friend today?  Has God placed someone on your heart today?  I encourage you to reach out to them and let them know that you care and that they are valuable.  It could be the best decision you make all day!


The List


Kitchen Conversations #2 - The Early Days