Jason's Book Release and a Giveaway!
After a long wait, Jason's book finally debuted at local bookstores nationwide on Tuesday. Overnight, just as we expected, his book hit the NY Times Bestseller List. Just kidding.We were returning from our last summer vacation on Tuesday afternoon and decided to stop at the first Barnes and Noble that we would come across (hello Pueblo!). So, we unloaded our three boys and headed into the bookstore. We looked like we were a part of Uncle Eddie's crew (you know, from National Lampoon's Vacation). Norman was wearing an over-sized t-shirt and a diaper. We discovered earlier that he had an alarming number of splinters in the tops of his feet (if you are wondering, he was crawling on a wooden patio the evening before. oops.) Truman and Harrison had just finished a bunch of Smarties and hadn't moved around for three whole hours. Jason and I, well, we were just surviving.We looked all over for the book. We had both dreamed of the day we would walk into the bookstore and see it waiting for us on the shelf. With a bright light shining down on it and all. This wasn't really panning out like the dream. Five minutes into our hunt, either Harrison or Norman, or maybe both of them started screaming so I took them outside. A bit later, Jason came out with three books in hand. They were still in the stock room waiting to be put on the shelf. Sigh!
Jason self published his book, Worthy of Her Trust before a major publisher picked it up a couple of years ago. He doubled the content and there is also some input from Steve Arterburn, from New Life Ministries. I highly recommend this book if you have a similar story to ours. It's packed full of solid and practical tips on rebuilding trust. It's a must read for both men and women. For men, I believe you will come away understanding exactly what you can do to rebuild trust in your marriage. Jason doesn't hold back. It's based on his own experience as well as counseling men and couples for the last seven years. And for women, let me just tell you, you will feel validated for how you feel and what you've asked and wanted for your husband to do to rebuild trust. I've heard women say: "Thank you. Finally. This is what I've been asking for for years."Here are some of my favorite quotes (I wanted to narrow it down to three but I liked all of these too much):"Secrets equals setbacks.""If you are working toward restoration and redemption, social media can not be a part of your process.""We can never really accept acceptance until we're fully known.""One of the subtle but key hooks of sexually acting out is that it is always there for you.""Recovery isn't so much about finding sobriety so much as it is about sanctification.""A broken and contrite heart is hard to despise.""Unfortunately, some wives believe this myth, that trust will be restored as soon as they forgive their husband."I am giving away two free signed copies of the book! (and chances are, if you are reading this post, you will probably win!) Just add a comment and answer one of the following questions. I will randomly select a winner either a) once two people respond or b) in about a week if more than two people respond.Update: It seems there are more people out there reading this blog than I realized! Can I just tell you how great it is to hear from yall? I will randomly draw two winners this Saturday the 30th. Good Luck!Questions:1) Do you believe that if you have forgiven your husband, you should be able to trust him?2) Do you trust your husband? If so, how long did it take for the trust to be restored and what was a way that he rebuilt the trust? And if not, what do you believe you need for him to earn back your trust?