From the Serious to the Superficial - this is what's on my mind...

Hi Ladies!We are more than half way through the summer and it's been disjointed and scattered to say the least.  I'm a woman who doesn't like change and thrives on routine so summer is a stretch for me.  It's working for me though; I just have to remind myself to breathe, relax, and go with the flow.I'd love to share with you some of the things that are on my mind as of late, curious if any of you can relate -#1 - Jason and I joined a private pool this summer as I felt that it would be a good reprieve from our non-air-conditioned house.  We've never been big pool or beach people.  {As a side note - I had hopes as a young gal that I could achieve a gorgeous tan - I seriously thought that at some point, all my freckles would merge into one big freck and I could achieve that warm glow.  But no, it didn't happen and two decades later, I see no incentive to spend time laying out in the sun where I will just grow more freckles. More about my freckles here in a bit.}  Back to the point - can I just tell you how awkward it is going to pools in the summer?  I'm sorry but post-betrayal + pool attire = awkward.  And then when Jason joins us = super awkward!!  On the outside, I'm cool as a cucumber but on the inside this is what is going on - "what is he thinking?  Did he just see that?  Oh myI feel like I'm in that woman's bedroom rightnow!"  Anyone else feel this way?!#2 -I realized earlier this month that I still have some trust issues with Jason.  I seriously thought we were past all of this, friends.  Like done.  But nope, God exposed another area of growth for me, for us.  In particular, I don't trust Jason with our finances.  Is there anyone else out there that struggles with this?!  I find so much power and control deciding where our money goes and quite frankly, being the ultimate gatekeeper of it.  Eeks!  So here I go, trying to figure out what it looks like to let go a little {or a lot}.#3 - We went to this amazing restaurant in Salt Lake City earlier this month and all the workers in the restaurant had red hair!  I even asked our waitress - is this a prerequisite for working here?  She laughed and told me no.  The hostess in particular was really pretty with her red hair AND freckles and ladies, something shifted inside of me.  I looked down at my freckles and thought - maybe they aren't so bad after all!  It was so cool.  It actually has me thinking I want to get less highlights so my strawberry blond hair (that might not be so strawberry blonde anymore) can shine through!  Talk about this worthiness project paying off!#4 - I never read fiction, like never.  But my mom encouraged me to read this book and I couldn't put it down.  Have any of you read it?  It messed me up for days - weeks, I'm still thinking about it.  And speaking of red hair and freckles, I recently watched this series on Netflix and LURVED it!  Anyone else out there a fan?I know this is a different sort of blog post but thought maybe something lighter for the summer would be enjoyable {see?!  I'm really trying to embrace this summer thing!}Love you ladies and would love to hear from you - any of this resonate?  What's on your heart?  Anything from the deep to the superficial that you'd like to share?xo-Shelley 


On wrestling with my changing body (clearly my body thinks it's time for summer to be over)


Kicking Shame to the Curb - A story from 1987 and today