Book Giveaway Winners!!!

Thanks to all of you who took the time to add to the discussion on trust and forgiveness.  I loved reading your comments and loved hearing from each of you.  I hope you will come back often and contribute to the thoughts on this website.Truman, my six-year-old, drawing two names (please excuse the mountain of Legos in the background!)Although there is some overlap between trust and forgiveness, they are also two very separate processes.  I personally feel like it would be difficult for me to fully trust Jason if I hadn't forgiven him first (and just to be clear, continue forgiving him...).  However, just because I chose to forgive Jason doesn't mean that I trusted him (because the day I forgave Jason, I didn't trust him).  Forgiveness is a choice.  It's a gift, as Shelley S said.  Trust on the other hand is a feeling.  It can't be something we, as wives, manufacture or recreate on our own.  The onus is on our husbands.  (And this can be so incredibly frustrating for us wives to take such a passive role in the trust rebuilding process.)  But that isn't to say that we don't play a role.  I believe for myself, the best thing that happened, to create the right environment for the rebuilding of trust, was to get to a place of trusting in God and God alone.I'm slowly veering off topic, but I promise to revisit the trust rebuilding process soon and share more about some of the principles wives can apply to ready their heart if their husband chooses to work hard and rebuild what has been lost.So back on topic:  the two winners, drawn at random are:  Sarah and Amber!  Congratulations!  I will contact you shortly to make arrangements to send you Jason's book.


Kitchen Convo #7 - Forgiveness


Three things I've learned through it all