#83: “Why” Work - Part 2

In this episode we are continuing to talk about his “why”.  It will be helpful for you to understand the four different categories that we are talking about as you listen to this episode and download the pdf which will be in the podcast freebie email (see link below).  Here are the four categories that go into the why:

Life Situations or Contextual Realities - noteworthy life events from your life between the ages of 6-16 (or beyond).
Impact or Wounding - the impact based on the life situation - as Jason spoke about the impacts, he used feeling words, the 3I’s, and how he saw himself.
Operating Principles / Character Brokenness - The mantras, vows and concepts we develop about how we will do life based on the life situations and the impact / wound.  These can be subconscious or conscious.
Acting Out - The behaviors done sexually to mitigate pain and shame.

All four of these components culminate in the why.

A couple of important things to remember:

- When doing why work - oftentimes, the third piece - the operating principle is the missing component.  This step is really where the why will start to come together.
- It’s a process - part Holy Spirit work, part internal work, part feedback from others we trust as we share our story with them.
- Ultimately, getting to the why will help her make sense of the senselessness and will help him make sense of the things he has done, in order to live differently from here on out.
- None of the why was about her - none of it.  Just to be clear - when I said this - what I meant is:  none of this was her fault, at all.  She is not the why.  The end.

We are so glad YOU are here, thanks for joining us for Season #7.

  • The WOHT workshop for men just outside San Antonio, TX is sold out for January. Join the Wait List here so that you are the first to know about the next workshop later this year.

  • Empowered Boundaries is coming back SOON. Join the Wait List to be the first to know when the class opens for registration.

  • For more information on RL Academy, click here.

  • We offer 1:1 coaching, couples recovery coaching, support groups, MasterClasses and on-line courses - check out our websites: redemptiveliving.com and rlforwomen.com for the full scoop!

  • Click here to subscribe to Shelley’s {almost} monthly letter + announcements. Click here to subscribe to Jason’s list.

  • Questions for the Podcast? Email us with the subject line: Podcast.


#84: Resentment


#82: “Why” Work - Part 1