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Join us for our best selling Class at Redemptive Living for Women

  • Who is this course for?

    If you are working on healing from betrayal and want to understand and implement boundaries personally, relationally and in the recovery process - this course is for you. My hope is that you will walk away feeling empowered, confident and ready to recognize when your limits are being crossed, when to and how to ask for what you need, and if the need isn’t met - pivoting to setting boundaries.

  • What should I expect?

    My number one goal in working with women that have been betrayed is to help them feel safe. I’m also a huge fan of vulnerability, connection and community as well as breaking down concepts and making them understandable for you to use as you move forward in recovery.

  • When and Where?

    Join us on Thursdays starting March 6, 13, (skip the 20th), 27; April 3, 10, 17. 4-5:30pm, PST / 5-6:30pm, MST / 6-7:30pm, CST / 7-8:30pm, EST


What will we cover?

Over the course of our six live teaching sessions + inside the 100+ page workbook, here are just some of the things we will cover:

  • Understanding Differentiation and Boundaries

  • The 5 Key Ingredients that go into Setting Boundaries Effectively

  • Naming what we are Protecting - This is key!

  • Your Hula-Hoop

  • Understanding Yourself Well

  • Understanding Limits

  • Understanding Legitimate Needs and Unmet Needs

  • Detachment

  • Six-Step Process for Setting Boundaries

  • Gaslighting / Acting In

  • Empowering Statements

What Clients Are Saying


“I just want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU for offering this course. You've been a big help to me and I know, the other ladies. This is serious stuff and you have a gifted way of making it understandable. I took so many notes and I know I will be referring to your handbook probably for the rest of my life! In fact, I have already utilized your advice in several major ways. I can only imagine how much work went into the handbook and the course. You are such a blessing to all of us. I am grateful to God for you. Thank you so much for everything you do. It's good to know I am not alone in this chapter of my life. I am more optimistic than ever.”

— Monica

"As I have begun this journey of healing from sexual betrayal, one of the mantras that has brought me much comfort is the need for a woman to feel Seen, Safe, and Heard. What this boundaries course has done is given me an opportunity to see myself, hear myself and identify what safety means to me. This idea of knowing myself well is so life giving and lays the groundwork to begin to set healthy boundaries with not only my spouse but with others. I am so grateful for making this investment in my own healing."

— LN

“I haven’t really been able to fully grasp limits and boundaries until now, and maybe it’s because of the constant brain fog and grieving. But your teaching and worksheets have helped so much. Talking through examples with other women was also very helpful because we all can relate, unfortunately.

You are a gifted teacher and speaker. You make me laugh and give me a glimmer of hope for my future. I was very impressed with your ability to cover a lot of ground without getting sidetracked. You are super organized and I knew you were respectful of my time. This course was very well done. Thank you so much for your obedience to God. He is using you in lovely ways.”

— Rhonda

"The Boundaries course for women gave me some practical tools to handle the ups and downs of recovery. Meeting weekly with other women who understand the pain of betrayal encouraged me that I am not alone and I am not crazy. These feelings are real; a normal response to an abnormal situation. The materials that Shelley provided are going to allow me to stay on top of situations in which I need to be able to process my emotions, understand what is happening inside of me, share my needs with my husband (and others) and then set boundaries to protect myself and keep us all in our own lanes. It is never going to be a perfect path…nothing messier ever in my life…but I am thankful for the course and the resources to help me map it out. Thank you RL for the work you are doing - for using your story to help others figure theirs out.”

— DC

I loved this class and I want to take it again! Boundaries, in general, has been a difficult concept for me to wrap my mind around.

Thank you, Shelley. I love your heart for women! I'm so so grateful that God did whatever universe rearranging He did so that I stumbled across RL last November. If we have a chance for true healing it is, I believe, hinging almost entirely on Redemptive Living.

— Reba

This course helped me crack the code on boundaries. It has been a life-changer! Even after reading the classic books on boundaries, I had viewed boundaries as a foreign language of sorts before Shelley’s Empowered Boundaries course. She teaches the building blocks necessary to form and set boundaries. Shelley shares tools that may seem intuitive to some but are often elusive to others. Her workbook is invaluable!

There are components needed, like secure attachment, knowing myself well, and community support (to name a few) that are needed to be able to form boundaries. Also, boundaries are dynamic. Understanding these key concepts were crucial in my aha moment in succeeding and not feeling like a failure. I finally feel like I can have my life back no matter what is going on around me.

— Erika


Includes 6 live sessions and a 138-page
full-color printed workbook shipped to you.

Already taken the Empowered Boundaries Masterclass?

More resources below:

1:1 Boundary Coaching with Nicole

Learn more about Nicole here!

After signing up, we will be in touch with the necessary forms and details!

  • Who is this for?

    Empowered Boundaries Class Alumni

  • What should I expect?

    45 minutes 1:1 with our Boundary Coach, Nicole, to process your situation, get input for implementing class material, and receive support exploring what boundaries you may need.

    These calls are not a long term committed coaching relationship for the recovery process that is offered by other coaches on our team.

    Instead this coaching time is intended to assist you in applying the concepts learned in Empowered to help you get unstuck and address situations with confidence and care for your well being.

  • What will we cover?

    Boundary sessions are focused on finding possible resolutions to specific situations you are facing as you navigate the various stages of recovery, with or without your spouse, and continue the work to create safety for healing your heart.

    We will use class steps to discover, securely attach, and put language to your specific needs.

  • When and Where?

    Phone call or Zoom video based on client preference. $75 per session.

Embraced is a 4-month practice to help us begin renewing dignity post-betrayal. 

Recommended for those that are not in crisis and 1-2 years post-discovery.

What to expect:

  • A group space for cherishing the way our Creator designed us and and honoring our needs.

  • Each group will have 4-6 women. 

  • We will meet twice a month (every other week) on Zoom video for 90 minutes.

  • A private GroupMe for community connection 

  • One monthly 60 minute private coaching call with your facilitator for ongoing support

As a group we will work towards restoring our sense of value, confidence, and joy for our unique design with exercises focusing on:

  • Boundaries

  • Healthy Detachment

  • Self Awareness

  • Compassion

  • Biblical Identity