Remembering and Rediscovering Who You Are
Our recent class sold out fast! We may open a 2nd round. Join the waitlist to be the first to know!
Who is this course for?
This class is for you if you have struggled with feeling insignificant in the midst of betrayal; If you can relate to feeling replaceable, no longer feeling special to your husband, or to yourself; If you've dealt with not liking who you've become after betrayal; If you feel like you are stuck in a reactivity cycle when triggered, and need help to stop reacting and start responding; If you want to learn how to feel steady and hold onto your sense of self even when the storms of life are swirling; If you want to learn what it looks like to practically find your sense of worth outside of your husband/marriage.
What should I expect?
My goal is to be transparent, to give you real life examples, and help you discover how you can practically learn to take your husband's actions less personally. I want to empower you to recognize the lies you believe and how they are tapping into feelings of insignificance. I want to help you get off the crazy train of constant triggers by replacing the lies you believe with the truth. You can expect to dig into experiences, beliefs, vows and false selves that have emerged in childhood and are still impacting you today.
When and Where?
Starting Monday Evening, January 6th, for 6 weeks, 6-7:30pm, MST on Zoom.
Includes private GroupMe community support.
What will we cover?
Why our husband acts out and why it has nothing to do with us
Grieving parts of ourselves we've lost and finding ourselves again
Our Core vs Personality
Practical Tools and Spiritual practices to anchor us in Christ
Identifying the lies we believe and replacing them with God's truth