Training Ground
Alright ladies. The week has begun whether we like it or not.Some of us might be ready to face our days and others of us might want to run and hide under the covers.Not to worry if the latter is you. We all have days and weeks like this. Oh you know what I'm talking about - couch days. The good news is, they don't last forever. At some point, yes, you will rise up and stand again.And actually, that's what this blog post is all about - strategies I want to share with you that helped me early on in my process with Jason and strategies that I continue to use today to Get. Me. Through.
For myself, walking out the devastation of betrayal was definitely the {hardest} part of my life to date. So clinging to self-care strategies is critical, a non-negotiable, massively important (yah hear?!). And little did I know, those first few years after betrayal served as training ground to develop coping strategies that I could continue to use as the years ticked by.
Are you ready? I hope so - 'cause here we go:Strategy numero uno: Music. Last week I was running and I thought I clicked on a recent playlist I put together. It has songs like this on it. (Don't even get me started on Mat Kearney girls. My fav fo sho.) But what I started hearing were songs that took me way back. Way back to the first couple of years of recovery. My anger music. Click here and here for examples. I was NOT a happy camper. And here is another one with a little more hopeful undertones. I forgot how much it helped for me to play music that allowed me to get in touch with my emotions.Strategy numero dos: Exercise. As you girls all know, hitting the pavement and running has been a go-to of mine for years. If running isn't your thing, it's all good. Figure out something, anything to get your body moving. About a year ago, I started getting back into a women's only workout class (a place I've gone to off and on since 2012). There is a workout there called Femme Fatale and most of the exercises are geared toward self-defense. The instructor encourages us to leave our pain there and let me tell you, I can always find something I want to punch the socks off of: Sin, pain, hurt, resentment. Oh yes, I try to get it out.Strategy numero tres: First 30/ Last 30. This is a new one I'm trying to be more aware of. It's all about being more gentle with myself and loving myself well the first 30 minutes after waking up and the first 30 minutes before bedtime. Apparently this is also the time when our subconscious mind is more receptive to input. So if there is a lie that I'm struggling to work through, repeating the truth these two times each day is critical. (I will do a blog post sometime soon expounding on this idea and will come back and link it here.) I also find that if I can squeeze in a little Bible reading during those first 30 minutes of the day (which girls, let's be real, I'm about 50/50 on this), it makes a huge difference on the lens I see the world through. {I wish I'd done this 13 years ago, but that wasn't the case. I was way too confused and angry with God to crack my Bible. The end.} The sky is the limit with the first 30/ last 30. It could be a warm bath, a good book, hot tea... Whatever works for you.I would LOVE for you to share what strategies you implement to make it through the day. No matter what part of the journey you are on - this is important! Let's share some ideas and make this week count!xo-Shelley